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How To Smart Map

Make beautiful maps, Fast!

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What is Smart Mapping?

Smart mapping is here to help you create beautiful and informative maps, quickly. This guide is here to explain what smart mapping is, and how to get started using this special capability.

Bring life to your maps using smart mapping

In its simplest form, smart mapping is a solution customized for your map and your data, which is why we call it “smart”! With just a few clicks, you can create a clear story about your data.

Not a cartographer? Don’t worry! Smart defaults take the guesswork out of your map-making process, and help you get to a clear map more quickly. Smart mapping is designed to make your maps beautiful, while showcasing your data’s important values. 

Do you have a background in cartography? Awesome! Smart mapping provides new and existing mapping techniques to help you create stunning online maps.

Smart mapping is available in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise, and appears when working with your hosted layers. To use smart mapping, select the Change Style option within a feature layer’s context menu.

Smart mapping can be broken down into 3 simple steps:

1) Choose Attribute(s)

2) Select a Drawing Style

3) Explore the Options

Smart mapping guides you through the 3 easy steps

1) Choose Attribute(s)

To start, choose an attribute to show in your map using the drop down list of attributes from your layer. 

To explore patterns within your data, select a second attribute by using the "Add attribute" button. You can use this technique to find possible relationships between two seemingly different topics.

Select up to five different numeric attributes (of similar nature) to find the predominant value among them. 

Oops! You may not want to show an attribute you selected. You can easily remove attributes from the map by using the circled X that appears when you have chosen more than one attribute.

To simply show your features on the map, choose the "Show location only" option.

2) Select a Drawing Style

Once you have selected an attribute (or multiple attributes), smart mapping will suggest drawing styles based on the attribute type. 

For example:

3) Explore the Options

Each drawing style provides different options, allowing you to customize your maps beyond the smart defaults. Here are a few pointers to familiarize you with some of the most common options:

Certain types of data, such as points, will produce slightly different options available within the smart mapping interface. 

But don't worry! Smart mapping will always suggest options that work with your specific combination of data and attribute choices. So feel free to try out different combinations and options, because your map will go back to its previous cartography until you use the DONE button.

What Next?

Don't be afraid to try different options and combine different variables. Smart mapping is a great way to explore patterns in your data that you may not have found otherwise.  

Want to learn more? Check out some of the links below, which can help get you started.

Smart Mapping Web Page 

ArcGIS Online Change Style Help Page

Esri Smart Mapping Blogs 

6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Maps (Blog)

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